GLENINDIV, ONE OF THE BEST TAILORS in China, Elevating the Nation’s Fashion Horizon

GLENINDIV, ONE OF THE BEST TAILORS in China, Elevating the Nation’s Fashion Horizon

This year, Mr. Victor Dormeuil, the sixth-generation of Dormeuil, made a special visit to the Glenindiv store and experienced Glenindiv's complete bespoke service and process personally. The brand's owner, Siyuan, also tailored a suit for Victor. Deeply impressed by the experience, Victor was able to gain a deeper understanding of Glenindiv's bespoke style. “I felt that Siyuan’s objective was to create something unique that reflects his taste and style while considering my existing wardrobe. He encourages to step out of the comfort zone while ensuring that your preferences are respected. Siyuan has a distinct style, and working with his tailor, Mr. Gao, was fascinating. It is always a real pleasure to see people passionate about the Dormeuil fabric,” said Victor.

Style is the Essence of Being

In the world of high-end bespoke tailoring, the usual criteria for judging came down to three things: style, craftsmanship and construction. However, these standards are no challenge for the multitude of bespoke shops flooding the scene. “Striving for excellence” within the established framework might resonate with a select group of suit gourmets, but it's unlikely to leave a lasting impression on the majority of customers. The common word “good” becomes the only label remaining in the heart, but cannot be the key to their success.

Therefore, in the world of advanced customization, where “good” is the norm, there exists a factor that transcends conventional standards: the style. Chanel's iconic tweed, Dior's “New Look”, and Saint Laurent's “Le Smoking” are all unmistakable style signatures, the very essence of fashion. Glenindiv, with its keen understanding of this crucial point, has embarked on a journey of innovation and exploration, seamlessly integrating "contrasts" into its designs. This art of skillfully blending different elements to give the suit both beauty and personality was ultimately turned out to be a huge success.

This distinctive style can be summed up in three words: contrast, tension, and individuality. Glenindiv believes that in the creation of style, beauty and its perceived enemy, "ugliness" are two sides of the same coin. Chasing after pure perfection in beauty may ultimately become meaningless. Only be daring to challenge the traditions can on breathe life into their suits. As a result, fabric properties aren’t limitations. On the contrary, by venturing into the unexpected, these advantages can be maximized and shine. Think soft meets tough, classic with a modern twist – these contradictory elements are blended and harmonized in Glenindiv's hands, creating a look that's totally unique and eye-catching. It is not just a tailor shop; they're a stage for customers to display their individuality and charm through bespoke suits.

 Relentless Pursuit of Progress and Breakthrough

Sure, Glenindiv's unique style is what they're known for, but it’s not about being different just for the sake of it. For them, good-looking is ultimately an emotion that can be conveyed to the wearer. One might not grasp all the fancy details they put in, but they’ll definitely feel the vibe and the energy of the whole garment.

It is worth learning that Glenindiv's style itself is always exploring and pushing boundaries. They reject to copy their past successes. In their eyes, a stagnant design approach, while achieving a level of maturity, ultimately sacrifices its vigor. So, Glenindiv only retains two core designs to cater to the specific needs and body characteristics of the Chinese market: the unstructured and relaxed "Original" emphasizes the sense of ease in wearing, and the "Extreme" highlights the wearer's figure curve with a pronounced chest-to-waist cut out. These two styles are not the end, but rather the starting point for their ongoing exploration. Whether you're looking for a suit today or in the future, you can be sure that Glenindiv is always redefining what a suit can be.

What truly sets Glenindiv apart is their customer-centric spirit. All suits and designs are not imposed by Glenindiv's designers; they are all about revealing customers’ unique individuality. The stereotype of "suits only look good on models" has been completely broken down. Instead, everyone here embraces the idea of "wear a suit and become your desired self”.

 A unique customized experience

Glenindiv's style philosophy also extends to their store location. Their bespoke tailoring magic unfolds inside a three-story townhouse, whose biggest feature is that it is a little “shabby”. The moss-covered cobblestone path and weathered brick walls manifest a sense of history. However, that’s the whole point! This kind of vibe tells the story and attracts customers who are all about being unique, ignites their imagination, and sets the mood for co-creating Glenindiv's one-of-a-kind style.

But when stepping inside, it’s like entering a totally different world. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city sits such an exquisite museum of suits and fabrics. In one of the rooms, four microscopes are placed, each corresponds to a piece of fabric. Through their magnifying lenses, one can clearly see the warp and weft of the fabric and feel the details of the weave. From the thickness of the yarn to the subtle interplay of colors and textures, all come into sharp focus. All these manifest Glenindiv's extremely high pursuit of fabrics and dedication to quality, which arouse great respect.

In addition, the interior details of the store also reflect Glenindiv's high level of perfection and dedication. The soft furnishings are decorated in the brand's signature purple colour, which brings visual enjoyment as well as a sense of tranquility and beauty. The fashionable vintage decorations collide strongly with the modern display space, which make people feel surprised. On the other hand, the wide range of samples and stacks of fabric books show Glenindiv's expertise and the accumulation of craftsmanship in the past few years.

More enjoyable than the sensory experience of the unique atmosphere is the attention and respect Glenindiv gives to each customer. For such an activity that requires time and money, concerns and worries are inevitable. But for Glenindiv, what’s fascinating is that all these annoyances will disappear from the very first measurment. Thanks to their extremely professional service. Apart from the value of the suit itself, Glenindiv creates a very natural chatting atmosphere in order to generate better communication. From dressing occasions to personal preferences, all these are the topics of everyday conversation, and then everything in turn is reflected through the details in the suit. If you are a fitness coach, then Glenindiv will trim and highlight your curves on adding and cutting some fabric; if you are a musician, Glenindiv will change the cut of the shoulders and sleeves to support you to play better music; if you are a bit conservative but long for breakthroughs, Glenindiv will make some interesting recommendations for unconventional colours that fit your personality and give you a chance to try something bold.

Mr. Victor Dormeuil has also praised for Glenindiv’s services: “Every stage of garment creation is precise and meticulously planned. It was great to meet Siyuan, observe his work, and appreciate his approach to style. Made-to-measure is all about details, and Siyuan is a perfectionist in both garment creation and creative content.” In this collaborative tailoring process, both the client and the Glenindiv team gain a lot. Glenindiv's detailed explanations of suits and fabrics, along with their ability to convey unique designs, give clients more than just a suit. It's a chance to gain a new understanding of their body and dressing habits, and an opportunity to ignite their aesthetic sensibilities. And ultimately, they are inspired to step back into the world of bespoke. For Glenindiv, the communication with each customer can lead to new sparks and infinite creativity.

In addition, Glenindiv's social media pages are filled with customers' real-life wearing experiences. They are eager to share their styling trips and help spread Glenindiv's brand message and distinctive suits through videos and photos. This creates a wonderful virtuous circle.

 A Sustainable Future for Bespoke Industry

Glenindiv's success isn't just a win for bespoke brands; it's also a model for others to follow. In today's fiercely competitive market, brands must innovate and cultivate a distinctive identity to capture customers’ hearts. Furthermore, keeping pace with technological developments and actively taking advantage of the digital age are essential for prompting both brands and industries into the spotlight.

Looking forward to the future, Glenindiv and the entire clothing customization industry will not stop here, they will usher in unprecedented development opportunities. With artificial intelligence and big data, they'll be able to match and fulfill customers' unique needs like never before. And virtual reality will make the whole custom experience even more intuitive, convenient and efficient. In addition, with the mastery of social media platforms, they'll connect with customers on a deeper level and build stronger relationships. The strategic mixing of online platforms with offline tailoring stores, coupled with the possibility of cross-border cooperation, will lie at the heart of the future success for brands.

Just like the rest of the fashion industry, the bespoke industry must also pay attention to the pressing problem of sustainability. By weaving eco-friendly practices into every step, from design, production to sales processes, and collaborating with consumers to embrace "green fashion", brands can not only demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility, but also establish a smart business for the future.

In conclusion, the future is wide open for Glenindiv and other bespoke brands. They should be ready to continue their journey to explore and make progress, and confidently embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.